Endodontist vs Dentist
Oral Health Care Providers

Endodontist vs Dentist: What Are The Differences?

Both dentists and endodontists are professionals in dental care having both undergone a university training dental care. The difference comes in aspects like specialization, education, and training. With this, you can say all endodontists are dentists but not all dentists are endodontists. If you’re looking for a dental professional for your  specific dental care needs, there’s a dental clinic that offers a personalised and sensitive dentistry for all.

Who is a Dentist?

A dentist is the primary dental care provider who treats general non-specialized dental complication eg cavities filling, patient bridges and crown fitting, follow up work on root canals and assessing gums and teeth for specialist referral.

Who is an Endodontist?

An endodontist is known as a specialist dentist, who has additional experience, training, and a formal qualification in apicectomies, microsurgery root canal therapy, and dental emergency. In Addition to the dental degree Endodontist undergo an extra 3 years postgraduate University Training in Endodontics.

Endodontist vs dentist what are the key differences:

Endodontist vs Dentist the differences
  •  5 years University undergraduate Dental training plus 3 years post graduate in Endodontics. In the additional three years, they gain advanced skills while studying the dental pulp and how to treat it.
  • Use specialized cutting-edge surgical equipment that requires a higher level of medical knowledge like 3-D scanners, microscopes, and digital radiographs. These help in handling the small structure of the tooth and the pulp.
  • More experience in thorough dental care like root canals and surgeries. Here they perform an average of 20-25 root canal procedures and surgeries in a week.
  • Specialist in: Endodontic surgery, Root canal treatment and therapy, Dental surgery
  • 5 years university undergraduate dental training. Attain general dental care training without further specialization and qualifications.
  • Less experience in specialized treatment and therapy.
  • Specialist in: Tooth extraction, Dental cleaning, Cosmetic dentistry, Dental implants .


If you need specialized treatment in root canal therapy and treatment or dental surgery it’s best to visit an endodontist. They’re specialists in these fields and have greater knowledge let alone experience with the specialized equipment.

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