Preparing For Tummy Tuck Surgery
Medical Care

Preparing For Tummy Tuck Surgery

If you have planned tummy tuck surgery or if you plan on having one, you should be aware of certain things that will help you prepare better for recovery and changes in your body. Then you will learn what you must do to prepare for surgery.

There are things you should do before having the surgery. You also need to prepare after the surgery. After you have surgery, a question occurs. Does tummy surgery leave scars? Yes, it leaves scars but there are things you can do to help reduce the scars after tummy tuck surgery.

-Tummy tuck surgery is performed by placing the incision in the lower abdomen, which extends from almost one hip bone to the other. Then the surgeon removes excess skin and tissue and then stretches and contracts the abdominal muscles by pulling them more firmly and sewing them in the new position. Sometimes an additional incision is used around the navel, but not in all cases. The incision is closed and dressed.

-Cosmetic surgeons offer many alternatives to different procedures, making the optional improvements very customizable. With this in mind, there is a mini-tummy tuck surgery option that uses a smaller incision and less muscle tension than the full version. The mini option allows a shorter recovery time because it is less invasive and reconstructive. Prepare for help at home for several days after your tummy tuck. But after a month, patients can usually resume their exercise program, and all other restrictions are removed.

The final results

-Being informed and prepared for the changes that will happen to your body is the most vital stage of recovery from an emotional point of view. It is essential that you fully understand the capabilities of cosmetic surgery and that, with the help of your surgeon, your expectations are realistic. Talk openly about your goals and what you hope to achieve with your tummy tuck and listen carefully to the advice of your surgeon.

-Another step in your emotional preparation is becoming aware of the stages of healing that result from this type of improvement. You can expect swelling and discoloration, which will give way to a tenderness that can last a few months. There may be numbness that persists but it is not uncomfortable, and it is completely normal. Your scar will fade more and more in the coming months, but it may be the longest part of the process.

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