dental crown
Dental Tips and Care

Getting An Dental Implant Crown

Dental implants allow damaged teeth to function normally. This treatment is always carried out after ensuring that the patient has enough jawbone to support the implant placement.

The implant works like a tooth or tooth and offers greater comfort and functionality, as well as stability and aesthetics. Implants recover the ability to chew food and can improve speech.

crown implantWhat are its advantages?

  1. Dental crown implants do not move.
  2. They allow preserving the bone in its position.
  3. They do not damage adjacent teeth.
  4. They tend to last much longer than dentures if we do the correct maintenance.

Some Specialist Physicians rely on this means to cover the lack of teeth, when there is a lot of space between the parts since they lost the tooth that was between them. The dental implant will occupy this space and will be covered with a crown as a support for removable prostheses.

Some Specialist Physicians rely on this means to cover the lack of teeth, when there is a lot of space between the parts since they lost the tooth that was between them. The dental implant will occupy this space and will be covered with a crown as a support for removable prostheses

There is also the opportunity to rescue teeth by means of a “triple-crown” or dental bridge. This method supplies the space of three dental pieces, one worn that will be worked and covered by a crown, an inexistent intermediate that will be supplanted by an implant and another worn tooth that will also be protected by a crown.

When performing root canal treatment, a crown is recommended to prevent the tooth from fracturing. A crown procedure is also proposed to change the appearance of an amorphous tooth or one that has lost its color.

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