Organizing dental supplies can save minutes on each of your appointments. In the first instance, they may not seem much. However, if you multiply those minutes over weeks or months, they will add up to a big chunk of time. In a highly competitive environment, organizing your dental tools could help you operate efficiently without compromising with the quality of customer service.
Here are important tips on organizing dental tools for better efficiency.
Check the sterilization area regularly
It’s easy to do the job and forget organizing the tools. However, making sure that the necessary tools are instantly available can increase the efficiency of your dental practice. Dispose of expired products and get rid of pieces you don’t use. That should free up space for commonly used items.
Don’t store supplies on countertops
Only store tools where they should be stored. For instance, keeping procedure tubs on the countertops of treatment rooms isn’t an efficient move. That will make it difficult to find missing instruments or smaller products.
Apply color coding
There’s nothing more frustrating than searching through procedure tubs to get the right tools for each of the processes. To avoid this issue, color code the tubs in accordance with the kind of procedure. For instance, you can add a blue color to the tub for fillings. This will let you know where to find fillings easily. As well as reducing hassles, color coding will save substantial time, especially on busy days.
Use instrument cassettes
Organizing dental supplies is imperative for any dentist. In addition to increasing working efficiency, well-organized tools let you carry out treatment procedures in a lot less time. That’s why it’s advised to follow the above tips on organizing dental tools.